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A big Thank You to everyone who came out to the artwalk this weekend. The weather was perfect and I had a wonderful time meeting people, explaining my artwork, listening to great music and enjoying the company of friends.

Special thanks go to:

  • Robyn, my wife and biggest fan, and baker of those lovely desserts
  • Deirdre and J.D. for graciously letting me invade their home for the artwalk
  • The fantastic musicians for drawing in crowds and giving them a great reason to linger: Josh Butler, Summer Hawk, Brooke Warner, Nate Bubna, Justin Carroll, Chris Robley, Dave Rummans, Ruth Chang, and Tanya Page. Everyone did an awesome job, and it was so cool to have my own little concert hall for the weekend. Click on some of the musicians' names to visit their websites, find out about their shows, buy their CDs, and listen to their music!
  • Jonathan & Margaret Eder for putting up the little Etch-a-Sketch arrows around Ladd's Addition
  • John & Melissa Heintzman for being an impromptu cleanup crew
  • All the folks who provided indispensable babysitting so I could work on art or run artwalk-related errands: Jenn Madrian, Jaime Sales, Summer Liston, Katie Diez, and Jaylene Wecks

    (If I missed anyone, please forgive me and send me an email to tell me what a dope I am--so many people contributed to making this weekend happen that I feel a bit like an unprepared Oscar winner.)

    Thanks also for everyone who came out to enjoy the artwork and made all this effort worth it! I'll have some pictures from the weekend posted here later this week, so watch for those. Also, if you want another look at some of the artwork I had displayed this weekend (or you didn't make it and want to see what you missed), click here to see most of the pieces I included in this show. (I don't have all the cartoons up yet, but I do have the Etch-a-Sketches and Portland drawings here.)

    Also, The Egg Trail is now available for purchase at AuthorHouse.

    I won't be able to make it to the Last Thursday artwalk in March, but check back here for my next appearance. I'm hoping to participate in the street gallery at First Thursday in April.

    March 06, 2005


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