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Although my website isn't set up for purchasing, much of the artwork I have displayed here is for sale.
Any of the permanent Etch-a-Sketchings that haven't already been sold or given as gifts are available to be purchased; the prices are listed beneath the photo. I also sell reproductions of the Portland Landmarks ink drawings as well as small greeting cards of those images. There is also a "For Sale" link in the sidebar to the right, which should give you a few pages of items that are for sale, from Penny Arcade postcards to T-shirt designs. Finally, I am always available for commissions, whatever medium you see that you like, or if you have a project you think I'd be good for.
Just contact me with your request and I'll do my best to get back to you quickly!
April 10, 2005
I would like to purchase your drawing of the Hawthorne Bridge as a Christmas gift. Is there time for that to happen?
Thank you,
Sarah Theberge
Posted by: Sarah at December 14, 2012 01:52 PM
Hi, Sarah,
Please send me an email by clicking the "contact me" link--it depends if I have any prints ready at the moment. Thanks!
Posted by: jhliu at December 14, 2012 02:04 PM
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