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depARTed show coming up!
For anyone who will be in the Hollywood area in the next month or so, I've got a piece that will be at the World of Wonder Storefront Gallery. My piece is the "Arrested Development" Etch-a-Sketch, made for this show's theme about things that expired prematurely.
The show opens on April 25th (opening party from 8pm -12am) and will run until May 19. The gallery is at 6650 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, CA 90028.
Unfortunately, I'm not able to be there in person, but go check it out and report back to me. I don't know a whole lot about the gallery besides what the curator Daniel Franzese told me.
Incidentally, he found my artwork through Gawker Artists, which runs artwork in the ad spaces on Gawker's various blogs (LifeHacker, Gizmodo, or Consumerist, among others). So if you're browsing any of their websites, you may occasionally come across one of my Etch-a-Sketches!
I know I haven't had much new art on my website recently; with the move to Kansas we've had a lot of settling in to do, and the house we're renting doesn't have a good spot for me to be messy. We're hoping to buy or build soon, and we'll be sure to have space dedicated to artwork, which will be nice. In the meantime, if you're interested in my art and have any questions, feel free to send me an email at jhliu(at)rainybayart.com.
Update: The regular gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 1pm to 7pm.
April 18, 2008
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