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Soapbox Derby - Finish Line
Here's another drawing of the finish line, this time with Team 1 and Team 2 neck and neck.
Also, another drawing of Team 2, trying to get a different angle.
Then I did this sketch in Photoshop (tracing a scanned pencil drawing) to try to get a final position of the two teams.
May 10, 2012
Hello my name is Bret Kuhl and I work for a website that features North West artists called escapecreations.com and I was wondering if you might be interested in being involved. I'm not even sure you are NW based but I noticed your series on Portland and was intrigued. What we do is bio the artist that we feature and also sell their art. I invite you to check out our website and see if it's something you would be interested in. If so my email is bret@escapecreations.com and I would love to here from you. Thanks
Posted by: Thegoatknowssports at August 9, 2012 01:01 PM
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